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Creative direction, concept and talent management under the theme of REBORN. Finishing up the Bio Ttrilogy. A dial-up experience on themelessness and the nonsensical mounting of references. Showcased at  Modalisboa and in media partnership projects around Europe.

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Apparel Design creation and direction.


Fashion Show at Modalisboa, Lisbon Fashion Week.


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Catalogue. Graphic design pyramid studio, pictures the fashionisto 


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Unicornify participatory collection campaign 


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PERFORMANCE MADRID: In response to the proposal of partnership with 3-clic, a Spanish/Swiss based HTML5 company, we exercised a collective effort of individual creativity. Individuals having fun on the streets of Madrid while filmed by the crew was a project that reflected my dream of expanding the area of action of the brand and of fashion as a stament.  ​

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Creative direction and Production. V!TOR's brand construction and image development grew as the possibilities and connections grew. Partnering with Video Directors and editors was essential to expand the concept and creative direction of every collection designed. V!TOR grew into a multimedia platform due to the collaborator and exchanges with its contributors

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